There is only one band in the world that I am not able to evaluate with an objective perspective. That band is THEORY IN PRACTICE.
THEORY IN PRACTICE entered my life in 2002 with the breathtakingly unique “Colonizing the Sun“. I’ve been listening to metal since 1991 and no other album amazed me as much as that album, still to this day. When I contacted Peter 3 years ago for an interview, he sent me some samples from some new material and I couldn’t believe that THEORY IN PRACTICE will be back soon. 13 years of wait was finally coming to an end!
After 2015′s “Evolving Transhumanism” single, we have the “Crescendo Dezign” EP in our hands; well, mostly in our Spotify playlists I guess. At first glance, the EP clearly and understandably sounds different than “Colonizing the Sun”. The band makes some major-ish changes within their musical character. We see a more conventional, kind of an “easier to listen to” THEORY IN PRACTICE. There are even some Swedish death metalesque parts similar to the vicious AT THE GATES style. It seems like the band wanted to trim the fat in the chaos department and inject some fresh ideas to their music. Song structures seem simpler, yet they all have that characteristic THEORY IN PRACTICE cleverness down to their core.
The sound is clearly more modern, yet the band doesn’t give us just a mishmash of ideas by trying to freshen their sound and also using extremely complex song structures at the same time. We see many bands falling to this trap and changing their sound while forcefully integrating their older characteristics and ending up with generic and soulless results that totally miss the point. Instead, THEORY IN PRACTICE manage to preserve their unique sound and also enriching it with some successful experiments. Even the clean vocals don’t seem forced; the band somehow manages to utilize them within their well-structured organic sound.

I think the band can, and even should do these kinds of experiments, since we are talking about a band that is practically 22 years old. I wouldn’t say the same thing about “The Armageddon Theories” or “Colonizing the Sun” since they are as perfect as can be, but THEORY IN PRACTICE of 2017 seems open for all kinds of new ideas.
As far as I’m concerned, everything THEORY IN PRACTICE puts out, everything Peter Lake writes touches some places in me no other band can touch, so I’m extremely happy that the band is back after 13 long years. I assume, at least hope (want!) that there will be a full length album in 1-2 years as well.

After listening to this music for 25 years, all I can say is that I feel lucky, blessed and graced that I’m able to listen to new THEORY IN PRACTICE material today.
Thanks guys, really appreciated.
rockbox da ki yorumu okumuştum aynısını burada görünce şaşırdım.
@victory, ahah güpegündüz kritiği çalmışlar resmen. Neyse TIP’in işine yarasın da gerisi önemli değil.
”Babam metal albümü çıkarsaydı daha daha eleştirel olurdum öyle diyeyim” in ingilizcesini aradı gözlerim