Our guest this week is Greek progressive black metal band AENAON. Their amazing new album “Extance” is well received by the media and the fans of the genre, so we swam really fast through the Aegean Sea and knocked their door to talk about the album and AENAON in general. We urge you to give “Extance” a listen if you like intelligent, innovative black metal. You won’t regret it.
Hi guys, thanks for accepting our interview request. Hope everything is great over there. Here are the questions for Pasifagresif.com (Turkey) interview.
What’s going on in the AENAON camp these days? It’s been 2 months since “Extance” was released. How is the general reaction? Are you happy with the reviews and fan comments?
Hello Ahmet, till now the reactions are really encouraging. It’s pretty nice to see people around the world understanding http://essayonline-club.com/ and appreciating our work. I have no reason to complain, everything goes smoothly.
Are you excited about your show with WATAIN on April 4th? Are you guys fans of WATAIN?
Of course! We are more than excited! Sharing the same stage with a band like Watain it will be a great experience for us. Also it’ll be the first time to perform a live show in Athens after several years, so this event seems ideal. The last album of Watain was outstanding!

Please tell us about your live shows. Do you have a solid fanbase in Greece? Do you often play live or just some selected dates now and then?
We try to be selective with our live apperances. Our music is quite hard to be performed on stages with poor equipment, so this is a little bit restrictive. However, I must admit that we have performed lots of live
shows in the last year, and it’s something that gives us the chance to build a solid fan base. The feeling of sharing the vibes of our music in a live show is a unique experience. The best way to make our music known is a live show, and nothing can replace it, not social networks nor magazines.
Please tell us about “Extance”. What should a metal fan expect from the album?
Definitely it’s an album with many unexpected elements. We have tried to combine heterogeneous instruments and alternative musical forms. I think that is quite surprising for a listener to detect in our songs instruments like oud, saz, harmonica or saxophone.
Are you happy with Code666′ support for
the band? Do they promote the band well enough?
we are quite happy, and we feel this cooperation works well for both sides. The band’s needs are heard and taken care of, and the communication with the label feels personal and immediate. I have to say, they done a pretty good job promoting our album so far.
How do you describe the music of AENAON? What do you think is your major stand point, the most characteristic element of AENAON’s music? Do you see yourself as progressive black metal, or do you think avantgard/experimental elements are more dominant?
I’m not certain whether our music is or isn’t progressive, especially if this is reffering to the amount of music
skills used for this record. I’m leaving this to the listeners for the time being, as anyone has their own perception for this term. However I do believe our music can be prescribed as progressive and avantgarde, as we didn’t stick with one genre, but explored instead various forms and ideas, staying clear from restrictions of any sort.

“Extance”contains lots of different elements, all the way from black metal to jazz and some blues. Was it a challenge mobile phone spy to incorporate all these elements into black metal, or was it a natural process?
I guess it came out naturally, since we’re all on the same page concerning our open-mindedness, our taste in music (more or less), and of course our vision for creation. Once you get fortunate enough to join “forces” with bandmates like that, the challenging part is past behind you!
Can you tell us about the vocal recording process? Did you work on every detail to make it improve the overall atmosphere of the ablum?
The whole vocal arrangements didn’t take long, as I recorded quite a few tracks every time. Of course I did multiple takes whenever that was nesessary, in order to achive the needed precision on each point. I wrote the lyrics soon after the main composing took place, in order for them to be in line with the tracks aesthetics and to blend-in properly.
Can you tell us how you had Mirai Kawashima as a guest? I mean why him? Did he have a role in the writing process of the song “Land of no Water”? I think the song itself is very similar to SIGH’s sound.
When we were mentally “constructing” the track, we knew already that we’ll be needing an extra bizzare vocal touch. And as the song started taking it’s form, it bacame more clear, that Mirai Kawashima would be ideal for this part. He bears the right amount of both madness and proffesionalism. He did an amazing job and we feel honoured for having his participation on our album!
Can you tell us about your writing process? You have tons of different things going on in your songs, so how do you manage to compose them? Do you write songs from start to finish, or you write lots of things and then combine the suitable ones?
First of all, the band members live in different cities, so this is the initial challenge to overcome when it comes to recordings, rehearsals spy my boyfriend cell phone and even live shows. Nonetheless, we aimed for solid track recordings whenever that was possible, so the most of the “extra” instruments were recorded in the studio along with the band, except for the saxophone and part of the synths. The same goes for the
guest vocalists, but in all cases the communication with them was excellent. I’d say only a few finishing touches were added afterwards.
Can you please tell us about the Greek metal scene? Are there many good new bands? Do people go to local metal shows?
Greek metal scene is growing day by day. There is a plenitude of bands that create high level music. Bands like Agnes Vein, Hail Spirit Noir, Universe217, Enshadowed or Thy Darkened Shade create some serious stuff. On the other hand, the local shows are never sold out. I don’t know why, perhaps Greeks want to see bands from abroad.

What would you like to say about the current state of black metal? Do you think there are much more things that can be integrated inside black metal?
Music in general, is a essay writing living form and will always sat essay writing help evolve. As long as there are musicians –ourselves included- which are in love with this kind of art, we’ll always find something “new” or “different”. After all, art has no limits.
Can you tell us about your main influences? Which bands influenced you the most and helped you shape AENAON’s music in the beginning?
I can mention a plethora of names… Some bands are from the black metal scene, some others not. But this is not the point. We are open minded listeners and we are trying to keep our attention solid to anything that is well-played and inspired. We are listening to jazz, blues, electronica, new wave, metal in general and of course black metal.
Can you name some of your favorite new bands? Any bands that made you go “Wow!” recently?
I found myself yesterday in that mood with the new amazing album of spy phone Lux Occulta. It’s really outstanding. Ephel Duath’s music is also special for me.
This is our last question that we ask all the bands that we interview. We want you
to tell us the headline of this interview.
“Aenaon’s music isn’t a reflection of our own world, but the hammer we’re shaping it with.”
That was all, thanks again for your time and music.
Thank you for the conversation and support. Cheers!

Ahmet Saraçoğlu
Ünal Akünal
Ertuğrul Bircan Çopur